12 Ways to Shoot Delicious Food Photos

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Food photography is probably not too strange for young people today. Before every meal or party, everyone takes out their phones to take pictures of the food to share on their social networking sites before enjoying the food. Have you ever spent a lot of time shooting but the result is not as magical as you wanted?

To take a picture of food that is always beautiful, very simple, as long as you apply the following tips correctly, your photo will always attract millions of likes on that social network.

1. Find a place with natural light

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Of course, natural light is always better than artificial light and images are always better and sharper. So, when you want to take photos of food, you should choose places with natural light sources. However, it is not recommended to shoot in a place where there is direct sunlight, which will cause the photo to burn out, the best way is to choose a place with erotic shadows and cool light to shoot.

2. If you can only shoot indoors, shoot somewhere near a window

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If you have to shoot indoors, it is best to take photos near a window, this will give you the most natural light, so take advantage of it.

3. When shooting when it’s dark, use the flash from another smartphone to light it up

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When taking photos at night, many people often have the habit of turning on the flash right on their phone so that the picture can be seen more clearly. However, this method has invisibly destroyed your masterpiece, you should not use your phone’s flash but use the flash from another smartphone to light it up, this will help the picture become shimmering. than. Note: do not light too close to the dish as it will lose its naturalness. Place the flash far away for just enough light.

4. Background is equally important

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To make the picture more beautiful and not bland and boring, you should use Backgrounds with eye-catching colors or maybe staging details such as high-quality crockery or special cutlery can be used. Add effects to photo shot. Use only the details that best match the meaning you want to convey.

5. Shooting from above is always the best choice

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For food photography, we can shoot from above to clearly see the whole dish and the beautiful details decorated on that dish. As for friends, you should absolutely not use this shooting method.

6. If the dish has special ingredients, shoot at a 45 degree angle

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With this way of shooting you will be able to admire all the beauty that this dish creates. Set the focus point where the food will touch the plate.

7. Apply the rule of thirds

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You may already know this simple trick that can instantly enhance the look of your photos. Start by dividing the frame into three sections vertically and horizontally. You can then place your main subject along the intersection points for a nice food shot.

The rule of thirds works especially well with top-down views. You can easily implement this rule anywhere. The rule of thirds grid is also available in most phones.

8. Shoot in odd groups of 3, 5, 7, etc.

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There’s something visually pleasing about placing things in groups of threes and other odd numbers. This is a useful rule to remember when you are photographing desserts.

So the next time you’re making cupcakes, creme brulee, or waffles, be sure to arrange them in odd numbers before taking a photo. As in the example picture above, the odd number rule can also be applied to savory dishes.

9. Add more layers to the composition

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Layers are something that landscape photographers pay a lot of attention to. However, layers can add depth and visual interest to any type of photo. As a foodie, you can add layers to make the image stand out instead of just looking like a flat image.

You can add layers in a few different ways. If you’re shooting at a 45-degree angle, you can place some elements in front and behind the main subject. When you focus on the subject, these accessories will be blurred and create depth. You can also place food on a larger plate or bowl to add layers when shooting from a top-down angle.

10. If possible, include a picture of yourself (e.g. hand) to bring it to life

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To make the picture more interesting and authentic, you can put your hand on the dish to make the picture more vivid and true.

11. Blurring the background will make the dish stand out more

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The main character in the photo is the food, not anything else, so to highlight the food use an iPhone 7 Plus, and take advantage of the portrait feature to blur the background. Your dish is sure to look great.

12. Presenting food before shooting

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The presentation of the dish is very important, a plate of ordinary pasta will not look appetizing, but if you try to add spices or arrange with a little herbs or slices of colorful tomatoes, sure the food will become more appetizing.

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